If you could go anywhere in the world....
I have a dream, and I'm working on making this dream a reality. That's what you do when you want your dreams to come true, right? You make them come true! For the last few years I have had the desire to do boudoir sessions in exotic locations; think Italy, Greece, Schechelleyes Islands, Spain, Hawaii, etc. I have to admit, the idea of organizing such a retreat is soooo incredibly seductive to me, but it's also daunting at the same time. So I put it on the back burner and just kept the idea in my dreams. Procrastinating on making it happen.
THEN, I saw another boudoir photographer who I'm in a forum with post about her travel boudoir in Puerto Rico. It was like reality slapping me in the face. I was somewhat ashamed for letting my dream sit idle for so long. I had a ridiculous pang of jealousy shoot through me (and I told her so!). So I thought, "but wait, I don't have to be jealous, I just need to kick myself into gear and do it!"
So right now, I'm marking this moment as the moment I started planning a destination boudoir retreat! I'm putting this out there in public to hold myself accountable (and so YOU guys can hold me accountable as well!)
Now, if YOU could do a boudoir session anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Maybe we'll meet there ;)
See ya in paradise!