New Orleans Boudoir coming in August!

Helloooooo my sweet southern gals!

I'll be back to my original stomping grounds in August!  Half the sessions are already booked, but I still have a few left so I thought I'd make a post and let you guys know about it!  These shoots will take place at the MOST FABULOUS New Orleans boudoir photography studio, Loft Studios Nola <--- (click it to see!).  Gorgeous exposed brick, flowing sheer fabric and a vintage couch are just a few of the things that make this studio so spectacular.  Not to mention light that is just to die for!!!  Below are a few photos from some lovely ladies that I photographed there last time.

I can't wait to be back!

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Ready to book your New Orleans boudoir shoot?  Fill out the form below!

New Orleans Boudoir Booking:

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